Let CatholicHôM® (Households on Mission) help you get more out of family life!
Download the CatholicHôM® app and, receive personal support from our Parenting Coaches and Pastoral Counselors, gain access to countless resources like activities, downloadables, and podcasts and become part of a dynamic online community of faithful, Catholic families to help you cultivate the joyful and faithful family you desire!
Become a member and get all the ongoing parenting support you need! Our team of CatholicHÔM® experts are ready to answer all your questions about parenting and Catholic family life, as well as give you additional support through livestream events and coaching opportunities!
Members get all the resources they need to start living “the Liturgy of Domestic Church Life” a simple plan anyone can use to become a happier, holier family. (Learn more at the button below!)
Learn how to be a CatholicHÔM! Become a member and get access to our fun-for-the-whole-family, animated video series outlining how easy it is to become a more loving, connected, and caring Catholic Household on Mission.
All members get access to the MOMfidence podcast for moms of every age and stage and the BeDADitudes podcast for tips on being an awesome Catholic dad. Members also receive the exclusive CatholicHÔM® podcast that explores how to overcome the challenges in being a Catholic Household on Mission.
Join our moderated discussion forums to meet other faithful families learning to be Catholic Households on MIssion. Share stories, get support, discover resources, and receive the daily encouragement you need to create a more faithful, fulfilling family life!
Members receive additional support and resources to help them discover God’s plan for their family life and bless others by their witness. Become a HÔM Builder and discover how your family can be an outpost of grace in a hurting world!
Catholic families are called to LOVE and CHERISH each other as Christ loves and cherishes us. The Rite of Christian Relationship gives us simple ways to fill everything we do with Christ’s love!
Catholic families are called to help each other follow Christ. The Rite of Family Rituals helps families make Jesus part of all the ways they work, play, talk, and pray together everyday!
Catholic families are called to take good care of each other and the people we meet. The Rite of Reaching Out helps families discover simple ways to be God’s blessing to each other and the world!